Tham khảo Công thức Leibniz để tính π

  1. Plofker, Kim (tháng 11 năm 2012), “Tantrasaṅgraha of Nīlakaṇṭha Somayājī by K. Ramasubramanian and M. S. Sriram”, The Mathematical Intelligencer, 35 (1): 86–88, doi:10.1007/s00283-012-9344-6, S2CID 124507583
  2. Roy, Ranjan (1990). “The Discovery of the Series Formula for π by Leibniz, Gregory and Nilakantha” (PDF). Mathematics Magazine. 63 (5): 291–306. doi:10.1080/0025570X.1990.11977541.
    Horvath, Miklos (1983). “On the Leibnizian quadrature of the circle” (PDF). Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestiensis (Sectio Computatorica). 4: 75–83.
  3. Andrews, George E.; Askey, Richard; Roy, Ranjan (1999), Special Functions, Cambridge University Press, tr. 58, ISBN 0-521-78988-5
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